Hope everyone is having a productive summer.
A part of the activities at the Carnegie in connection with the summer shows includes a POETRY READING by Elaine Seaman from her new book of poetry. BEYOND CORNFIELDS has finely been delivered and Elaine will have copies for sale at the Carnegie for the duration of our exhibits.
Tuesday, September 10th at 4pm
Poetry Reading
Elaine Seaman
I hope some of you may be able to join us. Elaine will read poems from her book, including the ones that are showcased with the ekphrastic art work. The reading will take place in the Fireplace Gallery area and then we will proceed up stairs where three artists are being asked to speak a bit about their work.
It would be wonderful if others who worked on this project might be there to engage with the audience.
I want to thank everyone who participated in this year’s exhibitions. I have had enthusiastic comments from folks who have seen the show. I would like to hear from you about how you felt about this ekphrastic project. I am thinking about a parallel exhibition for the future.
I want to THANK Donna Grubbs and the Carnegie for hosting us. They always do a superb job and are so respectful of the artists in this area.
It was an exciting set of exhibitions this year. I hope you enjoyed…