Carnegie Mission Statement
“The Carnegie Center for the Arts is a private nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting personal growth, self-expression, and appreciation of the visual, literary, and performing arts among the people of southwestern Michigan, through exhibits, performances, and participatory experiences.”
Board of Directors
- Ben Smith, President
- Gary Armstrong, Vice President
- Fred Grunert, Secretary
- Cathy Lawson, Treasurer
- Sharon Bachinski
- John L. Barnes
- Mary Hooley
- Marilynn Hovda
- Tom Miles
- Brenda Potts
- Peggy Ruggles
- Donna Grubbs, Executive Director
The Carnegie Center for the Arts is a 501 (C) 3 nonprofit agency supported by individual and corporate memberships and grants from the St. Joseph County United Way, Irving S. Gilmore Foundation, Mittler Family Foundation, EverGreene Foundation, Fiber Converters Foundation Inc., Geraldine Tase Trust, City of Three Rivers,and the Wong Foundation. We sincerely thank ALL of you for your support! YOU make everything we do possible!