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“The object of art is to give life shape.”

Three Rivers Carnegie Center

The Carnegie Center for the Arts is located in historic downtown Three Rivers.  Originally built in 1904 with Carnegie Foundation funds as the public library, the main part of the Carnegie is a beautiful example of early 19th century architecture.  The Monroe Museum was opened as part of the Carnegie Center in 1997.

The Carnegie Center for the Arts indeed has something for everyone!  Visit our website often to keep updated on the current happenings.

News and Events

Become a Friend of the Carnegie

Are you a member or “Friend of the Carnegie Center for the Arts”? If you are, we thank you! If not, please join us and support your community art center! Your donation will ensure our mission of promoting the arts, for 44 years, in and to our community continues. Please call, 269-273-8882 or email Executive Director Donna Grubbs, donna@trcarnegie.com, for a membership brochure. We sincerely thank our “Friends of the Carnegie” for making all we do possible!

By |January 1st, 2016|Categories: Carnegie News & Info|Comments Off on Become a Friend of the Carnegie
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